Provincial Summus R.Dist. Comp. Michael A. Jacques V

Deputy Provincial Grand Summus V. Dist. Comp. Gary D. Taylor V GLect

Assistant Provincial Grand Summus Dist. Comp. Morgan McDonald IV PGHer

Chancellor V. Dist. Comp. Peter Ray V GLect
Episcopus V. Dist. Comp. T. W. David Railson V PGLect
President of the Executive Dist Comp Ian Richardson IV PGStB
Registrar Dist. Comp. Robert E. Stephenson IV GStwd
Treasurer Comp. Mark Julian Gilpin III
Recorder Dist. Comp. John D. Watts IV PPrGLect
DC Dist. Comp. Peter Ronan V AGDC
Lecturer 1 Dist. Comp. John RH Muir IV
Lecturer 2 Dist. Comp. John Anthony Easton IV
Lecturer 3 Dist. Comp. Graham Bainbridge III
Lecturer 4 Dist. Comp. Richard W Vipond III
Deputy Recorder Dist Comp T. Ewan Notman IV PGSwdB
Dep. DC. Dist. Comp. William S Malcolm III GTzad
Herald Em. Comp. Melvyn Herbert III
Assistant DC Dist. Comp. John J Stevenson III
Sword Bearer Dist. Comp. Paul Dunning III
Standard Bearer Dist. Comp. David K Wilson III
Organist V. Dist. Comp. Clive Warham V PGLect
Guarder Em. Comp. W. Stewart Jeffray III
Steward Dist. Comp. Frederick J. F. Rooney IV
Steward Em. Comp. John B Gibson III
Steward Comp. Henry IP Bristow III
Steward Comp. Ian A Murray III
Steward Em. Comp. Richard Scott III
Watchman Dist. Comp. Francis E Patterson IV PGGdr
Capt. Tzaddikim Em. Comp. Martin G Murray III
Dep Capt. Tzaddikim Em. Comp. John McCormack III
Tzaddikim Em. Comp. John B. Finlay III
Tzaddikim Em. Comp. James Malcolm III
Tzaddikim Comp. John Bennie I
Tzaddikim Em. Comp. Alan Birkett III
Tzaddikim Comp. Michael Dickins III
Tzaddikim Comp. Ian Taylor III
Tzaddikim Comp. Richard G Scott III
Tzaddikim Comp. George William McCann III
Tzaddikim Comp. David J Wemyss III