On Wednesday 1 May no fewer than 4 members received the 5th Grade of the Order at Mark Masons’ Hall. Dist Comp Morgan McDonald was given the honour of being the exemplar cnadidate whilst Dist Comps David Thomson, Michael Stephen and Ewan Notman were also honoured. On Thursday 2 May our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus V Dist Comp Gary Taylor came out of Office as Grand Lecturer which he has been for the last two years. Dist Comp Peter Ronan came out of Active Office as Assistant Grand DC which he has held for the last 3 years. V Dist Comp Peter Ray was once again appointed as a Grand Lecturer. V Dist Comp David Railson was promoted to Past Grand Registrar. Our 3 PGSRs Dist Comp John Watts and Martyn Greene were both given the Honour of being appointed as Grand Heralds, whereas Dist Comp Ron Simpson was appointed as Past Grand Herald along with Dist Comp Ian Richardson, our President of the Executive Committee. Dist Comp David Dorward was appointed to Past Grand Standard Bearer and Dist Comp Tony Easton was appointed to Grand Guarder. Dist Comp Richard Vipond and Martin Murray continued as members of the Grand Summus Tzadikim. A superb week of Scarlet Cord Masonry. Congratulations to all recipients.

Twelve Stones Consistory Installation and Preparation Ceremony
The first full provincial team visit of 2024 for the Provincial Grand Senatus of Durham and Northumberland on Friday 12th January was to The Twelve Stones Consistory No37 (TI). Unfortunately the Consistory President couldn’t attend due to ill health so Stephen Preston opened in the first grade at 6.45pm
The Provincial team led by Provincial Grand Summus Micky Jacques, his Deputy Gary Taylor and Assistant Morgan McDonald entered and provincial officers took all chairs. No less than 10 Companions then undertook the Preparation ceremony with each in turn answering a question as to their proficiency in the Order of the Scarlet Cord. 9 candidates from Durham and Northumberland Province included some who had travelled from Scotland, the longest journey being 300 miles and 9 hours each way. The other candidate from Midland Counties was prepared at the request of ProvGSummus Graham Holden.
After these 10 became Emminent Companions Michael Jacques remained in the President’s chair and acted as Installing President for the consistory annual installation when Captain of the Provincial Tzaddekim (and Grand Tzaddekim member Martin Murray became President. He invested Mark Smith and Richard Scott (KT Provincial Prior as his principal officers.
40 Companions then dined in Hartlepool Masonic Hall before repairing to local hotels or setting off on some long overnight journeys home.

The Provincial Team

The Candidates for Preparation and the Provincial rulers

L-R Mark Smith, Michael Jacques, Martin Murray, Richard Scott, Stephen Preston