Firstly let me welcome you to the brand new website for the Provincial Grand Senatus of Durham and Northumberland.
As many will know, I was installed as the Provincial Grand Summus for the Province of Durham and Northumberland on 17 November 2018. The ceremony was carried out brilliantly by Most Distinguished Companion Ian Stanley Currans and his team of Officers from Grand Senatus.
I am extremely humbled to succeed Right Distinguished Companion Robert Muir Henderson whose work for the Province and the Order in general is appreciated far and wide. I only hope that I can reach the same high standards set by Bob.
If any Prince of the Order of Secret Monitor is reading this and wishes to join any Consistory within the Province, please contact the Provincial Grand Recorder Distinguished Companion John David Watts. His contact details can be found in the ‘Contacts’ page of this site.
Lastly, thank you for looking at the website and I hope that you will use it often to keep abreast of all that is happening within the Province and the Order.
Michael Allan Jacques, Provincial Grand Summus.